Empowering the
Future of Tech

Future Focused
Collaborative Excellence
Transformative Journeys

the Future
of Tech

Pretium integer risus massa pretium mauris dignissim laoreet. Vestibulum, quam tempor in ut. Odio amet commodo, faucibus augue. Eros sapien porta massa at. Eu fusce cursus est.

Future Focused
Collaborative Excellence
Transformative Journeys

the Future
of Tech

Future Focused · Collaborative Excellence · Transformative Journeys


the Future of Tech

Collaborative Excellence
Future Focused
Transformative Journeys
Future Focused
Collaborative Excellence
Transformative Journeys

the Future
of Tech

Future Focused · Collaborative Excellence · Transformative Journeys


At Tela, we are architects of possibility, curators of growth, and champions of innovation.


We empower the future by creating spaces, experiences, and investment opportunities that resonate with a global community of pioneers.


Together we’ll shape a world where innovation knows no limits.

meet TELA

At Tela, we are more than a company; we are a driving force propelling the future of tech innovation by shaping a landscape where opportunities thrive and boundaries dissolve.

Tela House
Nestled in the heart of London's Zone 1, Tela House will be a dynamic space that bridges cutting-edge technology, exclusive club amenities, and the energy of a global community.

With a focus on mentorship, collaboration, and continuous learning, Tela House will be a hub where tech entrepreneurs and pioneers unite to elevate their ambitions and redefine the possibilities.
Tech Events
At Tela, our dedication to positive change goes beyond physical spaces. Through thoughtfully curated events, we ignite discussions and foster connections that break boundaries. By uniting thought leaders, innovators, and disruptors, we drive conversations that shape industries and drive progress.
Strategic Investments
Discover opportunities for strategic investment that align with your visionary outlook. Beyond nurturing innovation within our community, we invite you to join us as we empower ideas and fuel growth. By becoming a part of Tela, you contribute to revolutionising the future of tech.
Opening in 2024 in London Zone 1

Tela Centre: The Ultimate Blueprint to Lifelong Brilliance

True health is the ultimate luxury, yet its essence remains incomplete without cerebral well-being.

Tela Centre emerges as London's ground-breaking beacon of brain health, defining a new epoch for cognitive care in the UK.

Poised to attract the global elite, Tela’s London establishment will boast the world's premier technology and services not found elsewhere in the UK. Grounded in rigorous science, our clients will experience tangible advancements in brain performance, accompanied by concrete insights to further their cerebral evolution.

This flagship centre marks the beginning of Tela's expansion within the UK, underscoring our commitment to importing the pinnacle of personal programming technology to British shores and setting the stage for significant growth.

Welcome to Tela Centre, where your mind is the greatest asset we nurture.

Méline liu, ceo

Guided by Visionary Leadership

At Tela, our journey is directed by our CEO Méline Liu. With a resolute vision to redefine the future, Méline's leadership brings a wealth of experience and insight to our dynamic ecosystem. Her expertise in tech investments propels Tela's commitment to catalysing transformation across ventures, creating an unparalleled space where innovation flourishes. Under Méline's guidance, Tela is a conduit for change, shaping industries and empowering a global community of pioneers.

Seize Opportunities with Tela

At Tela, we open doors to possibilities. Explore membership, collaboration, and investment opportunities that resonate with your vision for a limitless tomorrow.

Tela Centre
Opening Summer ’24, Tela Centre will emerge as West London's groundbreaking beacon of brain health, defining a new epoch for cognitive care in the UK.
Shape Tela
Collaborate with us as a speaker, educator, or mentor. Shape minds, share insights, and be a catalyst for change within our vibrant ecosystem.
Invest in Innovation
Fuel the future by investing in Tela House. Partner with us to propel the tech landscape forward and contribute to a hub of growth and transformation.

Welcome to Tela, where innovation thrives and the future comes to life.

Join us as we embark on a journey that stretches the boundaries of tech, unleashes potential, and defines the path to the future.